Saturday, July 16, 2011


Just thought to write down the learnings from my life so far... will try to keep adding new learnings on a daily/weekly basis...

16th July 2011:
- There are indeed some basic principles that govern the life on earth...there is definitely a 'right way' to live....and if we don't live in accordance with those principles...we find ourselves in pain, agony and sorrow. Those who lead a life in sync/ in tune with these principles, are happy forever...always filled with eternal bliss.
For example some principles are:
Honesty, Integrity, Quality, Fairness, Growth, Service etc...things that define Humanity..things that differentiate Humans from the instinct driven animals.

- The material wealth...and sensory pleasures do give us even peace sometimes...but that's not long lasting...that's transient...temporary. And the trouble is the sorrow it gives...which is long lasting...even permanent in some cases!
But the long lasting bliss...peace and happiness can be found only within...only through meditating onto our true-self...which is not just the body....we are soul...we are GOD.
Hence we must know what we should be our lives...temporary or permanent?

- I do believe in Hindu spirituality's following concepts: God has given a 'free will' to human beings...and a man can find true happiness when his will is in accordance with God's will... when this free will is in sync with God's will. One must understand or must try to remind oneself...that this whole world is an illusion...and we are's not I who is taking decisions..who is running this world....but it's the almighty! There is no 'I'... the 'Ego' is an just get rid of this ego...and start seeing God in everything and everyone in this world.

- Man's true nature is 'Divinity' and not animality...God has given a unique quality to Humans..that makes them different from animals... discrimination & conscience...i.e. their ability to differentiate between right and wrong...truth and lie....good and evil. Every Man deep in heart knows what he's doing...and whether it's right thing to do or not. So keep a basic faith or trust in people while dealing with them in our daily lives....and refrain from the instinct driven acts.

- Instinct driven acts can give some temporary joy but eventually it erodes self-esteem and character, causes guilt and suffering. Actions based on principles...rather than the instincts...will build our character...and will lead us to happiness and satisfaction within.

- I do believe in Karma theory...'Your present is the result of your actions of the past.' And hence, if we extend the theory a bit, today's actions will make in a way 'Our future is in our own hands'. So plan for the future, list down your priorities, and start working NOW...stop 'just thinking', and start acting on that thinking.

- Past is can't go back in time and change it. So accept your past as a fact of your life...and remember, that your past doesn't define you. You are much more than what you have been in past...You are DIVINE. Similarly Future is non-existent..only thing that exists....the only truth is 'Present'...this very moment of time...this is what exists...Past and future don't. Hence what matters is the present...and what are we doing in the present...and only that defines us.
- Learn from past....understand what mistakes you made...and remember not to repeat the same mistakes again. The Past should be used to become wiser and stronger.

- When ever you are feeling like going for one of the many choices you have......don't commit...take a day more to think about it and then go for it. At the outset, things might look simple and straight forward, but it can get complex and always seek more time before committing finally. Once committed...give your full effort into the commitment.

- Difficulties/Failures always teach something...and we come out stronger...and remember only those fail, who have keep trying. Sometimes, your faith is tested by don't loose hopes soon...keep trying your's only going to make you stronger and better than before.

- There are always 2 options to choose when we come across a problem in our life - Either to face the challenge and try to find the solution...or else try to avoid it...blame others...find faults in others...blame your fate..blame God...ask God why he made me so weak..why it's always me..etc..etc. The choice is ours...and so are the results.

- Whatever the failure is...and whatever the reasons are...and whoever apart from you was responsible for that..... it's always in our best interests..if we concentrate upon our own shortcomings...if we ask ourselves...that what I could have done better to avoid this failure? Finding faults in others is always easy.

- Whatever you are today in your and only you are responsible for that.... understand this and take full responsibility of your own life. Don't blame anybody else at all for your failures...and give all the credit to GOD for your success. This will make you humble...and will open the gates for further success.