Friday, December 11, 2009

Schindler's List

"It's Hebrew from the Talmud that says, 'whoever saves one life...saves the world entire..!" says Itzhak stern...Oscar Schindler's Jew accountant...while presenting him a golden ring forged using the golden tooth of his factory's worker...and Schindler breaks down....and says 'I could have got more out...if I had more money...I threw away lot of have no idea..!' Itzhak says..."there are 1100 people all alive here..because of you...and there will be generations because of what you did..!"
That's one of the most touching scenes of 'Schindler's list'....wonderful both Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler and Ben Kingsley (Remember 'Gandhi' ? - every middle class Indian must have seen many times on DD-1 every 2nd of Oct - Gandhi's Birth anniversary!) as Itzhak.

The Holocaust was one of the very unfortunate and shameful event in the history of human race...and it's so difficult to digest the fact that around 6 million Jews were killed in Europe just because one fanatic Tyrant...'Hitler' hated them and thought them as an impure race! And it was not just killing...but it was systematic mass murder..they chalked out plans to kill.....executed them...created reports..everything from macro to micro...was planned by the German was all official! Whole of the government machinery was put to work for this...scientists and doctors were deployed to experiment and invent faster and lethal ways to kill Jews in bulk! The school curricula were prepared to preach antisemitism & hatred against Jews!

I had only heard of gas chambers and concentration camps...but in the movie I saw all of that..and it all looked so real...specially since the movie is all in black & felt as if I am too wandering in Europe of that time..! And since I have got an ear for music.....the background score moved me a brings out all the pain and sufferings of the victims of the Holocaust....and you can feel that. I often think..that people who had to suffer all of this..,.what was their fault...only this...that they were born Jews...and they were born during Hitler's time??

Isn't that incredible, that Today there are more than 7,000 descendants of the Schindler-Jews living in US and Europe, many in Israel. Before the World War II, the Jewish population of Poland was around 3.5 million. Today there are between 3,000 and 4,000 left.

Hats off to Oskar Schindler....and hats off to Spielberg for making him known to us.